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1) Does the company have a sustainability policy? Yes No
2 ) Does the company source their materials from renewable and sustainable sources? Yes No
3) Does the company make an effort to offset their carbon emissions and other environmental footprints? Yes No
4 ) Overall, how should the Company be rated on its attention to and leadership on Environmental Protection (1 to 10)?
Any Comments about Environmental Protection?
1 ) Do Employees get a minimum of 12 weeks paid maternity/ paternity leave with a right to return to their position on their return and equal benefits being applied to men and women and parents who adopt or have a child through surrogacy? Yes No
2 ) Do Employees perceive that the Company provides equal pay and equal opportunities for men and women? Yes No
3 ) Does the Company’s health benefit program cover the cost of abortions and contraception for employees and dependents receiving coverage under the Company provided plan? Yes No
4 ) Overall, how should the Company be rated on its attention to and leadership on Women’s Equality (1 to 10)?
Any Comments about Women's Equality?
1 ) Does the company provide equal benefits to married employees and those with domestic partners, and the same benefits to heterosexual and same sex couples, worldwide? Yes No
2 ) If this is a US based Company, did the Company sign the amicus brief in support of the elimination of DOMA? Yes No Not Applicable
3 ) Overall, how should the Company be rated on its attention to and leadership on LGTBQ Equality (1 to 10)?
Any Comments about LGTBQ+ Equality?
1 ) Does the Company have a policy of non-discrimination with respect to race, gender, gender orientation and sexual orientation in hiring and in serving guests that it applies worldwide? Yes No
2 ) Does the Company have a policy committing itself to full transparency in its political giving, providing disclosure of direct and indirect gifts to candidates or other Political Organizations? Yes No
3 ) Does the Company have a policy committing itself to payment of a living wage for all employees and employees of outsourced services and manufacturing that it applies worldwide? Yes No
4 ) If the Company is based in the US, did it sign onto the petition calling for the passage of federal laws ensuring net neutrality? Yes No Not Applicable
5 ) Overall, how should the Company be rated on its attention to and leadership on Just and Civil Society issues, including freedom of expression, the promotion of democracy and non-corrupt, non-authoritarian governments, respectful discourse on public policy issues and equal treatment of all individuals without regard to race, gender, gender orientation and sexual orientation (1 to 10)?
Any Comments about Just and Civil Rights?
1 ) Does the Company or any company under common ownership or control with it (where ownership or control is defined as the ability to cast at least 50% of the votes required for the election of directors), produce or sell guns or ammunition? Yes No
2 ) Is Company’s CEO or any member of senior management repoerting to the CEO, or any member of the Company’s board of directors a Member of the NRA? Yes No
3 ) Does the Company provide discounts to NRA members or have any form of business relationship with the NRA? Yes No
4 ) Overall, how should the Company be rated on its attention to and leadership on Gun Control (1 to 10)?
Any Comments about Gun Control?