Country and State Ratings

Below are our ratings for Countries and US States on corruption free government and protection of human rights and the environment.

When you buy products made in Countries and States with high Ethical Mom ratings, you create a financial incentive for positive change.   You reward Countries and States already showing leadership on environmental protection and human rights and encourage other Countries and States to up their game.

Featured Country - Norway

Turns out that the people in Norway are just as lovely as its fjords. Like many of its Scandinavian neighbors, Norway has absolutely remarkable numbers on everything from Environmental Protection to Women's Rights. Norwegians have strived to build a society in which everyone is protected and cared for, and that's been reflected in the remarkable freedoms all of their citizens enjoy.

Environmental Protections - B

Women's Equality and Reproductive Rights - A

LGBTQ+ Equality Protections - A

Protection of the Press and Corruption Free Governance  (our Just and Civil Society Issue) - A

Great Trading Partner to the US - A

See Norwegian Companies you can support now on our Norway page.

Country Ratings


1.  Canada  A

2.  New Zealand  A

3  The Netherlands  A

4.  Norway  A

5.  United Kingdom  A

6.  Australia  A

7.  Belgium  A

8.  United States  A

9.  France  A

10.  Switzerland  A

11. Sweden A

12. Denmark A

13. Germany A

14. Spain  A

15.  Finland  A

16. Austria  A

17. Portugal  A

18. Ireland  A

19. Italy  B

20. Taiwan B

21.  Israel  B

22.  Czech Republic  B

23.  Estonia  B

24.  Japan  B

25.  Hungry B

26. Columbia B

27. South Korea C

28. Mexico C

29. Poland C

30.  Chile C

31. Ecuador C

32. Brazil C

33. Argentina  C

34.  Nicaragua C

35.  Slovakia  C

36. Peru C

37. Honduras C

38. Guatamela D

39. El Salvador D

40. Thailand D

41. Vietnam D

42. Indonesia D

43. Turkey D

44. Morocco D

45. Egypt D

46. Bangladesh D

47. China  F




State Ratings


1.  California  A

2.  Massachusetts  A

3.  New York  A

4.  Minnesota  A

5.  Maryland  A

6.  New Jersey  A

7.  Hawaii  A

8. Oregon  A

9.  Rhode Island  A

10.  Connecticut  A

11.  Colorado  A

12. Washington  A

13. Pennsylvania  A

14.  Maine  A

15.  Delaware  A

16.  Michigan  A

17.  Nevada  A

18.  Wisconsin  A

19.  Iowa  A

20.  New Mexico  A

21.  North Carolina B

22.  Oklahoma B

23.  Arizona  B

24.  Idaho  B

25  Indiana  B

26.  Montana  B

28.  Nebraska  B

29.  New Hampshire  B

30.  North Dakota  B

31.  Ohio  B

32.   South Carolina  B

31.  South Dakota  B

32.  Tennessee  B

33.  Virginia  B

34.  Wyoming  B

35.  Alabama  B

36.  Louisiana  B

37.  Mississippi  B

38.  West Virginia  B

39.  Florida  B

40.  Missouri  B

41.  Alaska  B

42.  Arkansas  B

43.  Georgia  B

44.  Utah  B

45.  Kansas  B

46.  Kentucky  B

47.  Georgia  B

48.  Mississippi  D

49.  Florida  D

50.  Texas  D

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